Transmedia Storytelling Learning Method Join our blog to learn globally Jules Verne School producing Viral Learning "A mi no me califica el maestro, me evalúa el mundo" "Transformando el memorizar en recordar"
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Our Christmas story by Chema & Sofi
Our story begins in 1960 when a couple of Irish guys came to ask me something...My name was Alison Mernial I was a poor girl with a poor family I was sick I had a very odd illness... Well... I tell you that guys were kind, friendly and gentle they were just good with me... Well they ask me about the hotel... Ferrer machie.. I told them it was in the 17th street between a cafeteria and a drugstore... They told me "you look very tired come with us" so I told them... "ok".... I smiled :) when we arrived to he hotel they gave me a hot tea to drink... I say just "thanks"... They started talking me about their country... (all the traditions) then they asked me about the traditions of Christmas in England, I told him that in Christmas we love To hear beautiful Christmas music. We love to decorate Christmas Trees and hang up evergreen branches.
I also tell him about traditions... Like... In Christmas night The Children leave an empty stocking or pillowcase hanging at the end of the bed. In the morning they hope it will be full of presents." I also do it"I said but when I woke up there's nothing... I think Santa don't like me because I'm poor ... Anyways I'm happy. (I smiled) . At the dinner time what families usually eat is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Mince pies, pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried fruit. But I can't eat anything of that because I have not enough money to buy it... Well the only thing I am able to eat min Christmas is vegetables and a bit of soup... Well anyways I can expect more.
After I say that they stay quiet. I was really uncomfortable... So I tell them "can I go home now?" They told me "yeah.n.. But we are going to take you home... Is that ok? " ... "sure" I said... When we arrived To my home I told them "Thankyou for everything"... They just smiled(: .... Time later (Christmas day) I was really hungry but the only thing we had to eat was soup and vegetables... And some fruits too... Before we started to eat someone knocks at the door... My mom stand up and answered the door "who's there?" she asked... Oh how Surprise! There were the gentle guys... I smiled to them :) ... They told me hello! Do you remember us? I just smiled again and said " how can I forget you guys" they smiled :)... They were here to gave us some food ... My mom say Thankyou so much " how can I pay you?" she asked ... They said "it's a gift from us to you" and they smiled :) my mom said "thank you so much... Please join us...they smiled and sit at the table .... Days after before they went back to Ireland ... I went to the hotel to say thank you to them.. And I gave them a letter and this journal... I said "please don't read anyone before 2 months" .. They say " ok.. But why?" I told them " you will see.." and I smile.." we'll it's time to go.. So good bye " I said ... They smiled and hug me... (after 2 months they read the card that said this) ... Hey dear guys... My friends... You are really good persons... Thanks for everything ... You make my last Christmas the best of all Christmas I ever had... (they asked themselves "last?" then they keep reading) you may ask to your selves "last?" yeah it was my last Christmas... Because I had a very odd illness and I don't have any medicines that can help me... So I'm not anymore there ... I'm just resting in a better place ... Don't worry about me... despite everything I was happy.... I will remember you forever... Your friend Ali ... (guys talking) I will remember her forever... :)
The end.
I also tell him about traditions... Like... In Christmas night The Children leave an empty stocking or pillowcase hanging at the end of the bed. In the morning they hope it will be full of presents." I also do it"I said but when I woke up there's nothing... I think Santa don't like me because I'm poor ... Anyways I'm happy. (I smiled) . At the dinner time what families usually eat is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Mince pies, pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried fruit. But I can't eat anything of that because I have not enough money to buy it... Well the only thing I am able to eat min Christmas is vegetables and a bit of soup... Well anyways I can expect more.
After I say that they stay quiet. I was really uncomfortable... So I tell them "can I go home now?" They told me "yeah.n.. But we are going to take you home... Is that ok? " ... "sure" I said... When we arrived To my home I told them "Thankyou for everything"... They just smiled(: .... Time later (Christmas day) I was really hungry but the only thing we had to eat was soup and vegetables... And some fruits too... Before we started to eat someone knocks at the door... My mom stand up and answered the door "who's there?" she asked... Oh how Surprise! There were the gentle guys... I smiled to them :) ... They told me hello! Do you remember us? I just smiled again and said " how can I forget you guys" they smiled :)... They were here to gave us some food ... My mom say Thankyou so much " how can I pay you?" she asked ... They said "it's a gift from us to you" and they smiled :) my mom said "thank you so much... Please join us...they smiled and sit at the table .... Days after before they went back to Ireland ... I went to the hotel to say thank you to them.. And I gave them a letter and this journal... I said "please don't read anyone before 2 months" .. They say " ok.. But why?" I told them " you will see.." and I smile.." we'll it's time to go.. So good bye " I said ... They smiled and hug me... (after 2 months they read the card that said this) ... Hey dear guys... My friends... You are really good persons... Thanks for everything ... You make my last Christmas the best of all Christmas I ever had... (they asked themselves "last?" then they keep reading) you may ask to your selves "last?" yeah it was my last Christmas... Because I had a very odd illness and I don't have any medicines that can help me... So I'm not anymore there ... I'm just resting in a better place ... Don't worry about me... despite everything I was happy.... I will remember you forever... Your friend Ali ... (guys talking) I will remember her forever... :)
The end.
Story by hector & Saul
Christmas in United Kingdom in the 60's
One day a boy say a story to their grandparents about the Christmas in the United Kingdom in the 60's ,
the story started when a person went to a concert of the Beatles for Christmas and when the concert finished he went to his house with his family and they gave him a disc of the Beatles and he listened it all the night. After that the family broke ther disc and his family was very happy and the family ate turkey and soup of vegetables and the boy made a cake for his family and they lived happy forever
One day a boy say a story to their grandparents about the Christmas in the United Kingdom in the 60's ,
the story started when a person went to a concert of the Beatles for Christmas and when the concert finished he went to his house with his family and they gave him a disc of the Beatles and he listened it all the night. After that the family broke ther disc and his family was very happy and the family ate turkey and soup of vegetables and the boy made a cake for his family and they lived happy forever
A holiday very important in England is Christmas, people gather with their families to share happiness, food and presents. As in many different countries around English people have their own traditions and identity.
Navidad en el reino unido.
La navidad en el reino unido.
Seguimos con las tradiciones de navidad y en este caso hablamos de cómo festejan en el Reino Unido el nacimiento del Niño Jesús.
Una vez más, allí las tradiciones ancestrales se combinan con las costumbres más modernas y así es como es común ver que las calles se tiñen de color verde y rojo al tiempo que las puertas de las casas lucen los clásicos muérdagos, que, según se cree, protegen contra los demonios y traen suerte a los hogares.
Seguimos con las tradiciones de navidad y en este caso hablamos de cómo festejan en el Reino Unido el nacimiento del Niño Jesús.
Una vez más, allí las tradiciones ancestrales se combinan con las costumbres más modernas y así es como es común ver que las calles se tiñen de color verde y rojo al tiempo que las puertas de las casas lucen los clásicos muérdagos, que, según se cree, protegen contra los demonios y traen suerte a los hogares.
Navidad en Inglaterra
En Inglaterra, la Navidad es una de las celebraciones mas importantes. Las familias se reunen y preparan el tradicional “Christmas Pudding”, el postre que se saborea durante la comida de Navidad.
Y, por supuesto, no se podría celebrar la Navidad en Inglaterra sin el famoso “Cracker” colocado junto a cada plato. Cuando tiras de cada lado, un petardo explota y sale una sorpresa.
En Navidad los niños salen en la calle para cantar y recibir bombones… Antes de dormir, colocan unas galletas y una copa de Oporto cerca del árbol de Navidad para Papa Noel, zanahorias para los renos, y calcetines para recibir sus regalos.
Saul & Ximena
Y, por supuesto, no se podría celebrar la Navidad en Inglaterra sin el famoso “Cracker” colocado junto a cada plato. Cuando tiras de cada lado, un petardo explota y sale una sorpresa.
En Navidad los niños salen en la calle para cantar y recibir bombones… Antes de dormir, colocan unas galletas y una copa de Oporto cerca del árbol de Navidad para Papa Noel, zanahorias para los renos, y calcetines para recibir sus regalos.
Saul & Ximena
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
El calentamiento global.
El calentamiento global es un término utilizado para referirse al fenómeno del aumento de la temperatura media global, de la atmósfera terrestre y de los océanos, que posiblemente alcanzó el nivel de calentamiento de la época medieval a mediados del siglo XX, para excederlo a partir de entonces.
Canada se presenta como un lugar frío pero no es causante de gran contaminación debido a que no es gran productor de fabricas.
Alaska esta en la misma situación pero ellos prefieren la mano de obra.
Groenlandia esta cubierto de hielo y tiene muy pocas fabricas.
Islandia tiene pocas fabricas Pero no contaminan mucho y esta cubierta de nieve por estar al norte.
Rusia tiene muchas fabricas en las principales ciudades y tiene lugares fríos.
El norte de Asia es el mayor productor en todo el mundo y tiene muchas fabricas.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Elephants attack if you attack it they like humans they have feelings.🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘
Hector López
Hector López
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Saúl:Buenas noches hoy les hablaremos del temblor de la Ciudad de México, un sismo de 6.3 grados de intensidad con epicentro en Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero sacudió alrededor de las 03:20 horas la capital mexicana,hubo daños en Guerrero ahora vamos con Diana.
Diana:Bueno con lo que a dicho nuestro reportero Saúl un temblor seguramente algunas no sintieron el temblor pero bueno no se preocupe este temblor pasó en algunos estados de México estos estados son Oaxaca,Guerrero,Puebla y Morelia vamos con leo.
Leo:hola hoy estoy en gGuerrero para reportar el sismo hubieron muchos daños y la gente esta muy alarmada vamos a entrevistar a alguien , buenas tardes ciudadano como te llamas
Ciudadano : Julio
Leo: como sentiste el temblor
Julio: muy fuerte
Leo: bueno esto es todo vamos de regreso al estudio
Reportaje del temblor del 15 de noviembre.
De parte de José María para las noticias Daniel
Dan:Estas son las noticias "dan" ahora vamos con nuestro reportero Chema que nos dará un reportaje desde el epicentro adelante Chema.
José:gracias dan,el día 15 de Noviembre de 2012 el Servicio Sismológico Nacional reportó un sismo con magnitud 6.2
Dan:localizado en las cercanías de Cd Altamirano, en el estado de Guerrero. El sismo, ocurrido a las 3:20 horas,
José:fue sentido en el D.F. y en otras localidades del estado de Guerrero.
Dan:esto es un ejemplo de por que hay que estar al tanto de las medidas de seguridad.
José María:por desgracia hubo 52 muertos y 200 heridos.
Dan:esperemos que no vuelvan a haber temblores en un buen tiempo.
José María:esto es todo gracias por su atención.
Dan:Transmitido por José María desde guerrero
De Daniel y José maria.
Dan:Estas son las noticias "dan" ahora vamos con nuestro reportero Chema que nos dará un reportaje desde el epicentro adelante Chema.
José:gracias dan,el día 15 de Noviembre de 2012 el Servicio Sismológico Nacional reportó un sismo con magnitud 6.2
Dan:localizado en las cercanías de Cd Altamirano, en el estado de Guerrero. El sismo, ocurrido a las 3:20 horas,
José:fue sentido en el D.F. y en otras localidades del estado de Guerrero.
Dan:esto es un ejemplo de por que hay que estar al tanto de las medidas de seguridad.
José María:por desgracia hubo 52 muertos y 200 heridos.
Dan:esperemos que no vuelvan a haber temblores en un buen tiempo.
José María:esto es todo gracias por su atención.
Dan:Transmitido por José María desde guerrero
De Daniel y José maria.
El temblor en la ciudad (Reportaje de Hector&&Danniela&&)
Héctor: Bueno y seguimos con más, vamos con Danniela al estudio
Danniela: Espérate
Héctor: ¿Que pasó?
Danniela: Está temblando
Héctor: Hey! Esta temblando no se alarmen, aquí en el centro se esta sintiendo, hay personas en la calle pero hasta ahora no hay daños, estamos cuidando a los bebes de nuestro proyecto como ya lo habíamos comentado
Danniela: Si Héctor esperemos a que pase, no hay que alarmarnos
Héctor: Salgan de sus casas, estén en su lugar seguro
Danniela: Vamos con más imágenes del temblor, vamos de nuevo con Héctor al Zócalo
Héctor: Bueno bueno pues me acaban de reportar que este sismo fue de 6.1 escala de Richter
Danniela: Pues se nos acabó el tiempo, no hubo heridos
Héctor: Gracias a nuestra gente! Hasta mañana
Reportaje del Temblor
Angel: Buenas noches, les informamos desde la ciudad de México, estamos pasando por un gran temblor, en Acapulco, Guerrero, hubo varios derrumbes, más información con Luz de Luna, en Acapulco, Luz, estás al aire.
Luz: Gracias Angel, en efecto, varios bebés se encuentran en una camioneta del orfanatorio local, ya que varias mujeres murieron en los derrumbes que tuvieron lugar en la ciudad, el temblor sigue en pie y no creemos que pare pronto.
Angel: Gracias, Luz ahora, vamos a comerciales.
Luz: Gracias Angel, en efecto, varios bebés se encuentran en una camioneta del orfanatorio local, ya que varias mujeres murieron en los derrumbes que tuvieron lugar en la ciudad, el temblor sigue en pie y no creemos que pare pronto.
Angel: Gracias, Luz ahora, vamos a comerciales.
Reportaje del sismo por Mauricio y Ximena
Sismo de 6.1 grados sacude Mexico en la madrugada del 15de noviembre. Con ustedes las noticias.
Xime: Muy buenos días, vayamos con algunas noticia. Tenemos un enlace directo con el reportero Mauricio y su bebé José desde Altamirano, Guerrero con noticias sobre el sismo de 6.1 grados. Adelante Mauricio, te escuchamos.
Mau: Buenos días. El día de hoy se registro un sismo cuyo epicentro se localizó a 19 Km al este de CD Altamirano, Guerrero; México y se percibió también en la CD de Puebla y México a las 03:20:23 am hora del epicentro.
Hasta el momento no se registran daños en la Ciudad de Mexico. Seguiremos informando vamos al estudio con Ximena y su bebé Isabella.
Xime: Gracias seguiremos informando mañana a esta misma hora asta luego.
Xime: Muy buenos días, vayamos con algunas noticia. Tenemos un enlace directo con el reportero Mauricio y su bebé José desde Altamirano, Guerrero con noticias sobre el sismo de 6.1 grados. Adelante Mauricio, te escuchamos.
Mau: Buenos días. El día de hoy se registro un sismo cuyo epicentro se localizó a 19 Km al este de CD Altamirano, Guerrero; México y se percibió también en la CD de Puebla y México a las 03:20:23 am hora del epicentro.
Hasta el momento no se registran daños en la Ciudad de Mexico. Seguiremos informando vamos al estudio con Ximena y su bebé Isabella.
Xime: Gracias seguiremos informando mañana a esta misma hora asta luego.
Temblor a las 3:00 de la madrugada
Hola aquí los reporteros julio & sofi desde Guerrero donde se genero
el temblor de hoy.
Julio: fue de 6.2 grados este fue un fuerte sismo que sacudió en la madrugada de este jueves a la capital del país.
Sofi: donde hasta el momento no se tienen reportes sobre posibles daños.
el temblor de hoy.
Julio: fue de 6.2 grados este fue un fuerte sismo que sacudió en la madrugada de este jueves a la capital del país.
Sofi: donde hasta el momento no se tienen reportes sobre posibles daños.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Joint Project (The One and Only Ivan)
Tansmedia project: Collaborative reading, Jules Verne School México- Chimney Hill Canada
The purpose of this project is engage students in reading, critical thinking and comprehension. The way students connect and discuss about a story has to do with the motivation they find to learn from real world situations.
6th grades from each school are to read the same book, digitally (iPads - Kinddle) and in hard copies, they will share their read aloud by FaceTime or Skype, blogging, sharing by EDMODO, and also developing their own curriculum in social studies, science, language arts, and personal development areas. They will make some research about their knowledge of gorillas and what they found in their local zoos.
Children will find ways to share the information, by multi media, sharing with their international peers and friends what they are doing and finding while they go through the reading.
Several activities are to be done in this journey learning from each other, and learning and developing not only literacy skills but tolerance, respect and team work.
Research about gorillas (1st teacher´s assignment)
Mexico: Research about Mexico City's zoo and Vancouver's zoo, how are animals kept in both places? Main characteristics of both zoos. Where do they get funds to preserve these zoos? Do they have gorillas, if so how many and and how is their domain? What are the names of the gorillas? Share a video if you find one.
- R M.The mexico city zoo has one gorilla named Bantu. He has lived his whole life in Chapultepec Zoo. He is a silverback gorilla.
- The Chapultepec Zoo has a gorilla but it is a Bantu gorilla not a Silverback. Bantu was there for his life since he was a baby and he got born in the Chapultepec Zoo.
Discussion: (Teacher´s assignment)
As part of our discussion base for our conversations with the students from Mexico, please provide five questions that you would think would provide a good discussion with our friends from Mexico. Your questions should be based on what has happened in the story so far. Maybe you want to post questions that you are wondering about too....
- Ximena R. a
Division SixDo you think that keeping Ivan in captivity is a good idea?
Division SixDo you think that Ivan is happy living in captivity?
Division SixWhy do you think They keep Ivan in captivity?- Kandace N. - I think they kept Ivan in captivity because he was the first gorilla they found.
- 21 Nov, 2012
- Harman G. - They kept him in the captivity becuause people like to watch the Silverbsck Gorilla
- 21 Nov, 2012
Division SixDo you think Ivan feel alone?- H. - I think Ivan feels alone because he has no friends yet and no one actually to take care of him that what I think what ado you think?
- 16 Nov, 2012
- Angel A. - I think Ivan feels alone because he don't know nothing about another gorilla.
- 20 Nov, 2012
Division SixWhy do you think the people take the gorillas in a cage?
What about gorillas?
Physical Characteristics
Few animals have sparked the imagination of man as much as the gorilla, the largest of the living primates. Most gorillas live in inaccessible regions in various dense forests in tropical Africa, and one subspecies, the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei), was not even known to science until 1902.
The mountain gorilla has a robust build with long, muscular arms, a massive chest, and broad hands and feet. It is the hairiest race of gorillas; its long, thick black hair insulates it from the cold of living at high elevations.
The world's remaining mountain gorillas live within four national parks, split in two regions that are 45 kilometers (28 miles) apart.
One population of mountain gorillas inhabits the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. A census in 2006 recorded 302 gorillas here.
The second population of mountain gorillas is found in a mountainous region referred to as the Virungas, which includes Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (Uganda), Volcanoes National Park (Rwanda) and Virunga National Park (Democratic Republic of Congo). A census conducted in 2010 showed 480 gorillas live in the Virungas.
Although strong and powerful, gorillas are generally gentle and shy. They live in groups of 2-40 individuals, averaging about 11. Groups are led by a dominant male, the silverback, named for the silvery gray hairs that grow when the male matures. The silverback serves as the chief leader and protector of the group, to whom all group members defer. He decides when and where to forage, rest and sleep, arbitrates disputes among his family members and protects them from rival silverbacks or human predators.
Mountain gorillas have a slow rate of reproduction. This slow reproduction makes this species even more threatened. In a 40-50 year lifetime, a female might have only 2-6 living offspring. Females give birth for the first time at about age 10 and will have offspring every four years or more. A male reaches sexual maturity between 10 and 12 years. Able to conceive for only about three days each month, the female produces a single young and in rare cases twins.
Newborn gorillas are weak and tiny, weighing about 4 pounds. Their movements are as awkward as those of human infants, but their development is roughly twice as fast. At 3 or 4 months, the gorilla infant can sit upright and can stand with support soon after. It suckles regularly for about a year and is gradually weaned at about 3.5 years, when it becomes more independent.
It is perhaps surprising that an animal as large and strong as the mountain gorilla is primarily an herbivore. Mountain gorillas eat over 100 different species of plants. They rarely need to drink since their diet is so rich in succulent herbs, from which they get their water.
Predators and Threats
The primary threat to mountain gorillas comes from forest clearance and degradation, as the region's growing human population struggles to eke out a living. The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), in collaboration with Fauna and Flora International and World Wide Fund for Nature, established the International Gorilla Conservation Program (IGCP) to safeguard the last remaining mountain gorillas.
IGCP works on three levels: Strengthening gorilla habitat protection through regional collaboration, researching the dynamic between the human population and the natural habitat/wildlife, and working with local communities to develop livelihood strategies that are complementary to conservation objectives.
This coalition has been a tremendous success, but support is still greatly needed. The most endangered of the gorilla subspecies, fewer than 800 mountain gorillas remain in the wild.
Did You Know?
There are fewer than 800 mountain gorillas left in the world.
Humans and gorillas are 98% genetically identical.
Male silverback gorillas can weigh 50-100 pounds more - and are about 10 times stronger - than the biggest American football players.
When the group is attacked by humans, leopards, or other gorillas, the silverback will protect them even at the cost of his own life.
Leonardo V. a
Division Six
Mountain gorillas live in the misty mountain forests of hte Virunga Massif and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in central Africa. They have longer, thicker fur than other gorilla subspecies, enabling them to live in colder temperatures. Adult males can weigh up to 200kg (31st 9lb), and are roughly twice the size of adult females. When they reach maturity (at around 12 or 13 years old), males develop the characteristic silver fur on their back that gives them the name 'silverback'.
Like all gorillas, mountain gorillas are very sociable and live in family groups led by the dominant silverback. They are largely herbivorous and eat a variety of shoots, fruit and leaves.
Mostrar MenosLike all gorillas, mountain gorillas are very sociable and live in family groups led by the dominant silverback. They are largely herbivorous and eat a variety of shoots, fruit and leaves.
Knowing more about the gorillas: (Teacher´s assignment)
Using our understanding of the application, Wallwisher, create a "wall" that shows your understanding about Mountain Gorillas and your personal feelings toward Ivan. Your wall should include at least 5 facts about the Mountain Gorilla, at least 2 uploaded images of the mountain gorilla and at least 3 well-developed personal thoughts about what you think Ivan is going through in his situation. The "Wall" should be uploaded to Division Six, so we can all enjoy it.
Empathy with wild life (critical thinking - childrens´own point of view)
How Can We Protect Mountain Gorillas?
In a well-reserched and sensitive manner, create a paragraph about what can be done to protect the Mountain Gorillas from extinction. Your paragraph should be written in proper paragraph form and include a well developed thesis statement and supporting details. Your paragraph should have facts included that you have searched online.
I don't think that it's right to take a animals life just because they made a mistake if they make a mistake you can't just go around and kill them imagine if you were the animal and you made a mistake you would you want to get killed I don't think so. Animals have feelings to imagine how they feel right before you kill them. A lot of people make mistakes and just because they do make mistakes doesn't mean animal trainers have the right to take a animals life. Animals aren't the only people that make mistakes you don't see animals killing humans. Animals at living things to so you can't just kill them just because they made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and just because you make mistakes doesn't mean that you kill people or animals for that.
Taking an animals life, is not the right thing to do. It is not the right thing to do because if the animal does something incorrect in training, it is only training and the animal trainer could find another animal that is better at that job and the animal that did the act wrong could do a different act that it's good at, there is no reason to kill it. Even if the animal harms the human it is only because they were mistreating the animal by whipping it with a claw-stick or something else. The animal would only harm the trainer because of mistreatment and it has the rights to defend itself. It would not be right to take an animals life just because it is trying to defend itself. The same thing happened in Ivan when Stella saw a bull elephant get whipped by the trainer and the elephant attacked the trainer but the trainer took the elephants life. That is why it is not right to take an animals life.
It is horrible and not right to have a trainer take the animals life. It is horrible because the animal only injured you or another animal because You injured it by training or hitting it with a whip to help train it. Putting the animal down is like havering your kid hit you after all the training and sutch you did for him and then putting your son or daughter down like an animal. Do you ever wonder what the animal was thinking when you put it down like if it was begging for mercy or asking for help? Also do you ever consider it thought hitting and killing was right because that's what you the owner have taught it to learn? This is why I d not Belive it if good to have an owner take its animals life over some silly or any mistakes!
Teachers´s interaction
Hi Check out this cool video I took when I visited Rwanda and got to meet the gorillas! I've got lots more :)
Ms. Spence
Ms. Spence
- 20 Nov, 2012
- K N. - How many pictures and videos do you have?
Pictures and Connections!! (The reading power!!)
My picture is about Ivan's memory. Before when Marc payed someone to feed and take care of Ivan the guy named jarred. One day he came with a box filled with strawberrys in his domain. Ivan was so happy and it was his favorite person. Now since marc cannot pay anyone for him anymore he left the job. Jarred had to leave because of that. Ivan was so happy and he said yum! When he got his strawberrys.
This picture is all about what Ivan see's from his domain.Since Ivan throws mee balls, the picture includes mee balls!Ivan likes Bob, so there is Bob in the picture.As Ivan mentioned in the story that there is a gift shop near his domain, there is a domain in the beautiful picture.Ivan mentioned that people call me the one and only Ivan, so there is a girl crying for him because she thinks that he is lonely.
This picture I drew is a picture of Ivan's favorite memory. I drew this picture because I think Ivan misses his mom since he is by hiself in the domain even though he has a sister (tag). I also drew this picture of Ivan's favourite memory because I thought it would be nice if Ivan didn't get separated with his sister and his mother and staying in the mall and getting looked at by people every day by hiself
The picture I made is of the view Ivan can see from his domain.I drew a picture of what I think the mall ivan is in looks like.I drew a picture of the poster Ivan talks about the one that has the angry picture of him.There are no humans because it is night and there is nobody in the mall.The mall Ivan lives in is really big and has a lot of visitors but Ivan still feels like the loneliest gorrila on the planet.
What do I think?
Some questions will be answered...
Where is Ivan in this image and why? When this story takes place? Does Ivan have a problem?What will happen in the story? Is Ivan are a bad gorilla?
Hector López 🐒🐒🐒🐒
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The zoo still has six gorillas who are among the most popular animals there.
The gorilla exhibits at zoos are often among the most popular. People love to come to see them interact in this environment. They also are in awe of the size of these animals. There are young gorillas often There too
It is dedicated to preserving and protecting endangered species and creating an educacional enviroment that inspires appreciation and concern about wildlife and wild places.
In Vancouver Zoo the gorillas are the most popular animals and the people take care of them.
The vision of the zoo is to become a world-renowed zoological institution dedicated to the stewardship and conservation of animals and their habitat.
Gorillas are the most popular animals in zoos. Mainly because of their size people are amazed by these animals.
the gorrilas are the most popular animals in the greater Vancouver zoo
the gorrilas are the most popular animals in the greater Vancouver zoo.
The zoo of Meico city is Chapultepec Zoo and have one Gorilla that his Name is Bantu.