¿A quien le gustan los tacos?
4. M: 2
P: .1%
¿A quienes les gusta la pizza?
17. M: 9
P: .8%
¿A quienes les gusta la lasaña?
9. M: 5
P: .4%
¿A quienes les gusta el pollo?
14. M: 7
P: .6%
¿A quienes les gusta la pasta?
15. M: 8
P: .7%
Julio & Sofi
Transmedia Storytelling Learning Method Join our blog to learn globally Jules Verne School producing Viral Learning "A mi no me califica el maestro, me evalúa el mundo" "Transformando el memorizar en recordar"
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Ruta de seda
La Ruta de la seda era una red de rutas comerciales entre Asia y Europa que se extendía desde Chang'an (actualmente Xi'an) en China, Antioquía en Siria y Constantinopla (actualmente Estambul, Turquía) a las puertas de Europa y que llegaba hasta los reinos hispánicos en el siglo XV. El término "ruta de la seda" fue creado por el geógrafo alemán Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen, quien lo introdujo en su obra Viejas y nuevas aproximaciones a la Ruta de la seda,1 en 1877. Debe su nombre a la mercancía más prestigiosa que circulaba en ella, la seda, cuya elaboración era un secreto que sólo los chinos conocían. Los romanos se convirtieron en grandes aficionados de este tejido, tras conocerlo antes del comienzo de nuestra era a través de los partos, quienes estaban al tanto de su comercio. Muchos productos transitaban estas rutas: piedras y metales preciosos, telas de lana o de lino, ámbar, marfil, laca, especias, vidrio, materiales manufacturados, coral, etc Trece años después, habiendo sido hostigado durante diez años por los hunos, el General Zhang Qian regresa a la Corte Imperial Han con sólo un miembro de la partida. Aunque no había logrado establecer ni una sola de las alianzas militares de su misión, el general Zhang informó a la corte de la existencia de treinta y seis reinos, verdaderas potencias comerciales, en las fronteras occidentales de China. En realidad, cuando el emperador Wu Di estaba cautivo consiguió mucha información de las tribus de Asia Central y países como Nag-Si (Persia), Tiaozhi (Caldea) y Li- Qian (el Imperio romano). En el 126 a. C., volvió a la capital china Chang'an y en el 119 lanzó una ofensiva contra los hunos y se establecieron contactos entre la dinastía Han y los países de la región. Así, el general Zhang contó de los magníficos caballos de las llanuras del Valle de Ferghana en Asia Central (hoy Kirguistán, Uzbekistán y Tayikistán), mucho más fuertes y veloces que los caballos chinos, con los que la caballería del Imperio Han podría enfrentarse a los hunos en mejores condiciones.
La vuelta al mundo en 80 dias nos hizo sentir....
La vuelta al mundo en 80 dias al principio nos hizo sentir interesada... Luego nos provoco un poco de susto ya que passaportu robo el banco de Inglaterra y estuvieron apunto de descubrirlo.
Luego la pelicula nos hizo sentir algo felices cuando encontraron a La Srita. Roche y los acompaño en el viaje.
Tambien nos hizo sentir algo tristes cuando dijeron que no habian pasado la apuesta. Y al final me senti feliz porque al final si lo lograron.
Por Sofi & Julio
Luego la pelicula nos hizo sentir algo felices cuando encontraron a La Srita. Roche y los acompaño en el viaje.
Tambien nos hizo sentir algo tristes cuando dijeron que no habian pasado la apuesta. Y al final me senti feliz porque al final si lo lograron.
Por Sofi & Julio
Monday, January 28, 2013
La antigua Canadá por Diana y Saúl
Los primeros canadienses fueron los antepasados de los amerindios que llegaron atravesando el estrecho de Bering antes del 20000 a. C., durante las últimas glaciaciones del Pleistoceno, hacia el 8000 a. C. las tribus indias ya se repartían el territorio del Canadá , en el noreste Micmac, Beothuk, Cree y Ojibwa, al sur Iroqueses y Hurones, al oeste de los Grandes Lagos los indios de las llanuras (Pies negros) y en el oeste Tingii, Kwakiutl, Haida, Tsimshiam y Salish.
Matemáticas de Julio Verne (Por Héctor y Ximena)
Julio Verne pudo usar el volumen para describir el espacio que ocupan algunos edificios u objetos que se mencionaron es su obra. (:
Thursday, January 24, 2013
La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días por Chema y Saúl
Monday, January 21, 2013
Around the4 world in 80 days (by Jose María & Luz)
It's a funny and entretaining book, in wich two men do an exotic bet: one believes the other can't go all around the world in 80 days. Because the economy is no t that good, the man does'nt have the resources. so he has a lot of trouble finding transportation and he almost brakes some laws, but then he visits awesome and beautiful cultures, each different religion has it's own celebrations, rituals, sacred places, and prayers. Some are monotheists, but others are polytheists too., almost every native in those countries, practices those religions. They had some different holideys and he enjoyed it in every community. When the time finished, he was home already!
Around the world in 80 days.
Around the world in 80 days is about a guy who has dreamt was travel around the world, but the economy was not so good, so he went with the mayor to make a treatment, the mayor didn't accept so the guy planned a better idea and he proposed to the mayor a big deal, he will travel to every single country and he had to learn something about their culture and religion.
The mayor accepted so the guy started his journey and obviously he couldn't go alone, he will need some help. So he started to search someone in every single community and finally he found a guy named Jackie Chan and a girl named Franchesca. They were natives from London except Jackie Chan, he came from china, he was from an exotic family, they were monotheism persons and they always prayed for their god. They have already set their journey, they started at London and they passed country from country and when they are almost finished the mayor broke the laws in the most sacred place in London because he didn't believe in the rituals they do, and he also was a poly theism person, who always has been in holiday.
When they arrived to London again the mayor can't believe it, any way the Queen congratulate them and the people celebrate.
Sofia & Angel
The mayor accepted so the guy started his journey and obviously he couldn't go alone, he will need some help. So he started to search someone in every single community and finally he found a guy named Jackie Chan and a girl named Franchesca. They were natives from London except Jackie Chan, he came from china, he was from an exotic family, they were monotheism persons and they always prayed for their god. They have already set their journey, they started at London and they passed country from country and when they are almost finished the mayor broke the laws in the most sacred place in London because he didn't believe in the rituals they do, and he also was a poly theism person, who always has been in holiday.
When they arrived to London again the mayor can't believe it, any way the Queen congratulate them and the people celebrate.
Sofia & Angel
Around the world in 80 days by Hector and Daniel.
Once upon a time there was a boy that lived in London and he did a bet with his friends thet he may travel all the world in 80 days,the he decided which countries he could visit of the world.So then he left in an airplane in first class the people in the plane gave him a deluxe dinner.The next day he arrived to France and he met a painter and his daughter,he fell in love with her and then his enemy of the school tried to stop him and then he fight with young ninjas then tey escaped to a sacred temple of the monothiesm religion,in it they hide in the church but the ninjas didn't follow them then the jid,his mom,the painterand his daughter travel to Italy where they saw the Pizza Tower then they traveled to India were they found another friend who lived in the communty that the boy lived and then the friend took them to the native community where they pray to their god Buda,there are many types of Budas they are polythiesm culture and then they made a ritual of celebration for the new tourists ,then they travelled to Japan where they also believed in Buda and then they travelled to United States and they visited L.A to spend christmas in there they saw an exotic place to stay the holiday,finaly they arrived to London where they celebrate because they won the bet.
Around The World in 80 Days (By Ximena and Julio)
Once upon a time there was a scientist that bet that he could travel around the world in 80 days. He had already thought about it and it seemed to be a great idea. He started his trip by leaving his community and started visiting other countries. He believed that it was possible and he was very excited with the idea. He traveled by an aerostatic balloon. After a month and a half he had learned a lot about different cultures. He learned about their holidays, rituals, religion and celebrations.
He traveled through many countries like: UK, China, Hong Kong, Arabia, etc.
By that time he had already met native people that taught him about their exotic animals and what was sacred for them. Before that, the natives destroyed the balloon, the scientist was angry and he asked them to pay for it. Their economy was not good so they refused to pay. He forgave them because he remembered his monotheism religion laws that said he has to forgive everyone.
He prayed to his god and to the polytheism religion gods to get to London on time.
The natives fixed the balloon and he traveled to London. He had just arrived on time. He traveled around the world in 80 days.
He traveled through many countries like: UK, China, Hong Kong, Arabia, etc.
By that time he had already met native people that taught him about their exotic animals and what was sacred for them. Before that, the natives destroyed the balloon, the scientist was angry and he asked them to pay for it. Their economy was not good so they refused to pay. He forgave them because he remembered his monotheism religion laws that said he has to forgive everyone.
He prayed to his god and to the polytheism religion gods to get to London on time.
The natives fixed the balloon and he traveled to London. He had just arrived on time. He traveled around the world in 80 days.
Around the world in 80 days (by Mau, Danniela && Leo)
Once upon a time Yaki-Yancito the flyer went to the United States in the holidays. He has already made a friend, called Chaw who believed in American laws & religipn. Their religion is monotheism because he is catholic. So then they made a bet, Yaki-Yancito bet he can find a culture in which they have a polythiesm religion, Chaw gave him 80 days to find at least 2 religions. He starts in Japan & finished in the United Kingdom. They countries he has already visit are China, France, Egypt, Italy, India & Arabia. When he returned to U.K. community, he remembers how he traveled to many countries: Ocean-by boat, Air- by ballon & land by train, an exotic train.
When he came back the problem began, Chaw didn't accept Yaki-Yancito won, they were in Chaw's native land, so U.K politics help Chaw to win the bet, they told the people that Yaki-Yancito stole the magic diamond they use to do rituals. Yaki-Yancito don't had a very good economy, that's why he do a bet, & yes he won the money, Chaw promise him before he starts to travel & travel, Yaki-Yancito prayed and prayed to Japan people in their sacred church to help him, they accepted & won with hi, so Chaw went to the jail & Yaki is a millionarie! Kapan peole do a celebration. THE END
When he came back the problem began, Chaw didn't accept Yaki-Yancito won, they were in Chaw's native land, so U.K politics help Chaw to win the bet, they told the people that Yaki-Yancito stole the magic diamond they use to do rituals. Yaki-Yancito don't had a very good economy, that's why he do a bet, & yes he won the money, Chaw promise him before he starts to travel & travel, Yaki-Yancito prayed and prayed to Japan people in their sacred church to help him, they accepted & won with hi, so Chaw went to the jail & Yaki is a millionarie! Kapan peole do a celebration. THE END
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Rainforest by Julio and Saul
Monday, January 14, 2013
Amazon Rainforest (by Luz de Luna)
Made in wallwisher, check it out :) if you like it comment happy face xD
The Amazon (By Ximena and Diana)
Made in wallwisher, hope you like it!
Made in wallwisher, hope you like it!
The Amazon by Daniel.
This is the Amazon's description made in wallwisher i hope you like it.
Rainforests by Sophy&&Danniela (Wallwisher) ENJOY IT!!!!
Amazon Rainforest
Friday, January 11, 2013
The One and Only Ivan / Ivan´s and Tag´s Feelings Being Trapped
Animals are being trapped all over the world and taken away from their families to be trained for exhibitions in circuses or to be exhibited in zoos, sometimes they are mistreated. Ivan and his sister Tag were trapped when they were babies , their parents were killed. How did they feel? How would a person feel if that happens to him or her? 










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