My dearest class, it has been an incredible experience for me to share all these moments with you. We have learnt together a lot of new things. Your spontaneity, your eager to work in our projects and your willingness to adapt to this new educational era is priceless. You will be forever in my heart.
Dear parents, during this school year your kids have grown a lot, they are more independent. I have shared with them different stages. Congratulations for being their parents and thanks for trusting me and Jules Verne this last year of their primary education.
Different activities were developed to assure their learning experience.
1) Language Arts Writing - All kids have been able to create their own stories, reassuring the words seen in the different units for Be Speaker and grammatical structures for Be Literate and Pet, through this they were able to reassure their knoledge.
2) Language Arts Reading - A very important project was done by a collective work with our Canadian peers by reading The One and Only Ivan a book they analyzed, predicted and suffer animal's mistreat. They were aware of the problems faced by animal's kept in captivity. We had different connections by Skype and shared comments with our Canadian sister school. They were able to use the 5 Reading Powers: connecting through their own experiences, questioning , imagining or visualizing, predicting , and synthesizing. Their feelings were always worked.
3) Social Studies and Science - In a world with constant changes students worked different projects, finding information using Ipads. Our projects were developed always making them aware of the importance of our society, the ways it has changed and a compromise to change it.
4) Mathematics - Through games and practicing exercises using the Ipads we worked addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (with whole numbers, decimals, fractions), ratios and proportions, analyzing and creating graphs, divisibility rules, integers. Different geometrical figures were worked out.
Working out a problem faced out nowadays everywhere and then transmitting it through their assemblies was very important.
The experience they had with the exchange program. It is a great satisfaction to watch them communicating with people from other countries. It will remain forever with me and with them.
The gates of your school will be opened forever for you, and I will be glad to see you again.
Miss Martha
Queridos niños y papás de 7th grade:
Ha sido para mi una gran experiencia aprender y compartir mi propio aprendizaje con ustedes.
Durante este ciclo es escolar aprendimos:
Lenguaje y Comunicación
- entrevistas
- cuentos de terror
- ortografía
- poesía
- guión radiofónico
- remedios caseros
Pensamiento matemático
* operaciones fundamentales y resolución de problemas
* porcentaje
* interpretación de datos y realizar diferentes tipos de gráficas
* la regla de tres en su vida
*cálculo mental
Exploración del medio Ciencias Naturales
El universo
Aparatos ópticos
Generación de energía
Calentadores solares
Exploración del medio Geografía
Desastres naturales
Calidad de vida en el mundo
Calentamiento global
Exploración del medio Historia
1.Imperio turco romano
2.Imperio Bizantino
5.Culturas mesoamericanas
Exploración del medio Formación Cívica y Ética
I decisiones de tu vida
II. Debates y deliberación
III. Empatía
IV. Conocer sus derechos y obligaciones
Me siento muy contenta de haber sido su maestra y haber tenido el privilegio de convivir este ciclo escolar.
Recuerden que siempre contarán con su amiga y nos vemos muy pronto!!!!!
Miss Anayanzin maestra de Español