Ringo Star- Rodrigo Magaña
Paul McCartney- Andrés Laszlo
John Lennon-Amaury
George Harrison- Christian Lemus
Anacleta- Micaela
Torregrosa Bonifacio-
Sebastián Villa
Anastacia- Nadua Olmos
Panfilo- Maximiliano Leal
Jennifer Karina- Ana
Karen Arcos Josetisok- Antonio Grez
Dr. Zeus- Mariano
Zamudio Brian
Hilario- Kevin Soriano
Perla Ivette- Ana
Teresa Vega Ximena-
Renata Muñoz
Story teller- Emiliano Velasco
A Great Trip - Help
(Healing the Planet)
Storyteller: Once upon a
time the Beatles were stucked in the Yellow Submarine. They needed a song, but they couldn`t imagine
how to begin.
Ringo Star: Why don`t we go in a
trip to get inspired?
Paul McCartney: Yes, that`s a great
idea! We can go to Notting Hill!
John Lennon: Of course! That is a
great place.
George Harrison: Okay everything is
ready. I will buy the tickets.
José Tizoc: Tickets, tickets buy your tickets for
Notting Hill’s park.
George Harrison: What’s the price per ticket?
José Tizoc: It’s a real bargain, you only have to
pay 1 pound for each one.
Storyteller: They arrived at Notting Hill, they went to a park, suddenly they heard a thunderstorm, (the
thunderstorm hit the Beatles)
(Sound a thunderstorm)
Paul McCartney: (Wakes up) What
happened? (Looks around) What is this place? Guys, wake
Ringo, John and
George: (wake up)
Ringo Star:(sleepy) What is the
problem? Don’t be so rude!
Paul McCartney: Haven`t you noticed
that we aren`t in the park anymore?
John Lennon: Wait, what? This is
not possible… (Looks around) It`s true!
George Harrison: Why..? I mean
when..? I mean how?
Paul McCartney: I am not sure, let`s
ask someone where are we?
(group on the other
side of stage having fun music Yellow Submarine)
John Lennon: Why don`t we ask her?
(Points to Jennifer Karina in the group).
George Harrison:(walks towards
Jennifer Karina) Hey can you tell us where are we?
Jennifer Karina: We are in a costume
party to remember the 60`s in the Yellow Submarine.
John Lennon: To remember it?
Jennifer Karina: Yes, to remember it.
John Lennon: What? Which year are
Anacleta: We are in the year
2014, why?
The Beatles: We have traveled to
the future! (amazed)
Ximena: To the future? Who
are you guys? Are you famous?
George Harrison: We are the Beatles,
but we have no idea of how we were able to travel in time.
Perla Ivette: That is awesome, my
sister and I love your songs! You are the best group of all the times.
Paul McCartney: Thanks… but how
could it be possible?
Dr. Zeus: It must have been a
reaction to a natural phenomenon that made you travel in time.
John Lennon: Wow, you are pretty
intelligent, what`s your name??
Brian Hilario: He is one of the
greatest scientists of all times, I am his apprentice Brian Hilario.
George Harrison: (talks to the
Beatles) Well guys, (thinking) I think we should….relax, and
vacation here!!
Everybody: Yes!!
( Anacleta goes to the
group where Bonifacio, Anastacia and Panfilo are)
Anacleta: Hey guys! I have some good news to tell you! (shouting)
BonifacioLannoyed) Why are you
shouting? Calm down please!
AnastaciaLmad) Don`t start
again!! Bonifacio let her finish first.
Anacleta: Thank you Anastacia,
well the Beatles are here in the boat!!!
Panfilo: It’s impossible!!!
They are from the sixties, they can`t be here.
Anacleta: If they were here!(excited) we could become rich
by showing the world that they have traveled in time!! Think about it Panfilo.
Panfilo: Okay, let’s make a
plan. (in a circle discussing)
Panfilo: Perfect! We have the
Anacleta: Awesome Panfilo! Now we have to do it!
Anastacia: Ok! so this is the
plan, Bonifacio and Panfilo will distract Jennifer Karina, Ximena and Perla Ivette
because they know we are planning something. Then Anacleta and myself will
bring a bunch of people, the Beatles
sing and we get lots of money!
Bonifacio: I love this plan! So,
let`s do it!…
Anacleta: But wait…. We can do
something else ( with a mean voice) we pollute the water by the yellow submarine, if the Beatles try to escape, they won’t be
able to do so!
Bonifacio: Great Idea so let´s do it guys!
(they go to the party)
( Bonifacio and
Panfilo distract Jenifer Karina)
Panfilo: Hi Jenifer Karina,
Ximena and Perla Ivette, you look so cute today…
Jenifer Karina: Thank you Panfilo? You are very kind today!
Ximena: Sure!!!!!We are
terrific and wonderful.
Bonifacio: Yes that´s true, you too Perla Ivette you look really pretty
Perla Ivette: Are you talking to
me? Hahahaha you are so wrong. I always look pretty!
José Tizoc: Oh sure, she is the prettiest girl
here! (suspires)
StoryTeller: Meanwhile the Beatles
started feeling nervous because they sensed something wrong was happening
John Lennon: Guys I feel really
bad, I feel something strange in my body, it smells horrible and I hear lot of
StoryTeller: The plan of
Anastacia, Bonifacio, Panfilo and Anacleta was starting and it was affecting
the planet and the people.
Ringo star: Relax John let’s have
a great time!
Paul: We have to
investigate now!
(Perla Ivette, Jenifer Karina and Ximena go with the
Beatles secretly)
Ximena: Guys, Anastasia’s
group is taking advantage of you.
Jeniffer Karina: But also they are
polluting and that affects global warming
so we have to do something quick to stop this big problem! We need HELP!
Perla Ivette: Yes we have to do it now! I have a plan to
stop this problem!
Ivette: Okay, first we have
to build a machine to travel to the past and leave you guys there.
Jennifer Karina: Ok that is a good idea
but what can we do with global warming?
Ximena: We can pick up the trash!
George: Girls keep calm and
breath !
John: Let’s relax.
My idea is to go back to our time and begin healing the planet.
Ringo: Yes, we have to
promote prevention measures.
Storyteller: They began creating
the machine to stop Anacleta, Anastasia, Panfilo,
and Bonifacio with their evil plans and
decided to talk to them.
Ximena: Who will talk to them? (in a whisper)
John: You will do it Ximena
(goes with Anacleta,Anastasia,Bonifacio and Panfilo)
Ximena: Hi Guys! Why do you want to affect the Beatles and our
planet causing more damage to it.
Dr. Zeus: We have to stop
polluting and creating damages to our home planet Earth.
Brian HIllario: It is more important
to help our planet than becoming rich!
Anacleta: We don´t care about anything, global warming is not our problem
and you will not change our minds.
Anastasia: Anacleta, probably
they are right we are affecting everybody! Why don’t we stop this?
Bonifacio: Anacleta people around the world are getting sick and the animals’ habitats are being harmed. We have to STOP IT!
Panfilo: Yes! Stop it, it´s not good for anyone!
Anacleta: I’m so sorry guys, you are right! We have
to stop this! This is not good!
Brian Hillario: I heard that Ringo
and Paul are making something to stop this so let’s go!
Dr. Zeus: Yes let´s go!
Paul: We finished
Ringo: Wow, we learnt many ways
to prevent global warming. Now we can imagine a better world!
( song Imagine)
Paul: Well guys we have to
go back to our time! The machine is
Ringo: Thanks for everything!
Don´t forget to take care of the planet!
you soon! (Beatles disappear)
All: BYE!!!
Story Teller: Everybody began
taking care of our planet and everybody lived
Everybody: Don´t forget to take care of the EARTH!