Tuesday, May 24, 2016

El proceso de elaboración de jamón

La cuatro fases del jamón son:
Postsalado, secado y bodega 

Postsalado:Es la fase donde se integra la sal a todo el cerdo internamente y al exterior del cerdo que provoca a la deshidratación de la pieza. La duración de este proceso puede durar hasta 110 días dependiendo de la pieza 

Secado:Los jamones ya salados pasan a los secaderos donde se exponen a temperaturas más elevadas y a una humedad relativa menor que en la fase de salado.

Bodega:Después del salado se mete el jamón a una bodega para que midan su pesó altura etc. 

Por Diego

Proceso de Producción Del Jamón Por Pablin

Proceso de elaboración del Jamón

Más Información en:

Antes de fabricar el jamón hay que fabricar el cerdo, la razón de eso se basa en la importancia que tiene la edad del cerdo (o en otras ocasiones el pavo) y el entrenamiento que haya tenido el animal.

El proceso de elaboración de los jamones empieza con en el cuidado del propio animal, quien a lo largo de su vida tiene un seguimiento individual que llega a culminar con la elaboración de cada pieza. 

El método más sencillo de elaboración es el de exprimirlos bien, luego que se han cortado del animal para extraer toda la sangre, se dejan tendidos sobre una tabla, uno por uno, durante dos o tres días, a fin de que la carne se siente y pierda un poco de humedad; después se ponen en un tablero o plano inclinado cubriéndolos con sal por todas partes, añadiendo un poco de nitro para que la carne quede mas firme y encarnada. Se dejan en la sal por 20 o 30 días, según parece que la sal los ha penetrado. Cada dos o tres días al principio, se vuelven los jamones, los de encima debajo y se agrega más sal si la que tenían se ha derretido. En el intermedio de este tiempo, suelen tenerse cuatro o cinco días en prensa, para lo que se les coloca entre dos tablas cargando encima bastante peso.

Ya después de que el producto esta listo, se lleva a los lugares comerciales (supermercados, tiendas, etc.) donde el cliente lo compra para su consumo.


La producción del jamos por: Ian

Proceso de elaboración del Jamón

Más Información en:

Antes de fabricar el jamón hay que fabricar el cerdo, la razón de eso se basa en la importancia que tiene la edad del cerdo (o en otras ocasiones el pavo) y el entrenamiento que haya tenido el animal.

El proceso de elaboración de los jamones empieza con en el cuidado del propio animal, quien a lo largo de su vida tiene un seguimiento individual que llega a culminar con la elaboración de cada pieza. 

El método más sencillo de elaboración es el de exprimirlos bien, luego que se han cortado del animal para extraer toda la sangre, se dejan tendidos sobre una tabla, uno por uno, durante dos o tres días, a fin de que la carne se siente y pierda un poco de humedad; después se ponen en un tablero o plano inclinado cubriéndolos con sal por todas partes, añadiendo un poco de nitro para que la carne quede mas firme y encarnada. Se dejan en la sal por 20 o 30 días, según parece que la sal los ha penetrado. Cada dos o tres días al principio, se vuelven los jamones, los de encima debajo y se agrega más sal si la que tenían se ha derretido. En el intermedio de este tiempo, suelen tenerse cuatro o cinco días en prensa, para lo que se les coloca entre dos tablas cargando encima bastante peso.

Ya después de que el producto esta listo, se lleva a los lugares comerciales (supermercados, tiendas, etc.) donde el cliente lo compra para su consumo.

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Book Thief

The Book Thief


Andres – Death
Tamara – Amara
Edmann – Mayor
Ian – Soldier
Dara – Rose
Vanessa – Annette
Diego - Life
Pablo – Max
Omar – Papa
Gustavo – Rudy
Jun – Life
Chelsea – Liesel
Jose – Death
Cristian - Frank


Death: This story is about survivors. About a thin girl, who really knows what is to be abandoned. The first time I saw Liesel was when it was snowing. The snow reached up to your knee. The trees were covered by snow so they looked as if they had a tablecloth on top. You could imagine that someone had died.

Life: Like there is death there is also life. I represent life, and I will take you through the good things that happen in this story.

Frank Heinrich: Liesel, we have almost arrived with your new family.

Death: Liesel was thinking about her brother. They were on their way to Himmelstrasse when they discovered that Werner was dead.

Life: Sometimes life isn''t fair and takes away little kids that are innocent.

Fraw Heinruch: Liesel, I will introduce you to your new family.

Liesel raised her eyes and saw a couple. A thin man with dark circles under his eyes and a fat woman who walked like a duck.

Rosa Huberman: Don’t you hear, Saumensh?

Hans Huberman: Come on Liesel, don’t you want to see the house?

Liesel smiles and gets out of the car. Hans guides her toward the house. When he opens the door, smell of wood and tobacco fill her lungs, Liesel passes the next day extremely afraid. Then one day, when she is on her way home, she sees a girl looking at the clouds.

Liesel: What is she doing, mom?

Rosa: I don’t know. She is crazy.

Next day

Rosa Saumesch: Wake up, you have to go to school.

Liesel: Yes, mom.

Hans: Good morning your majesty.

Liesel smiles and starts to eat.

Anette, Rudy and Amara knock on the door.

Anette, Rudy and Amara: Hi, we are taking Liesel to school.

Liesel and Anette go to school and come back talking. On their way back they meet Rudy.

Rudy: How are you doing with your reading?

Liesel: I'm getting better every time.

SONG (A Little Party Never Kills Nobody)

The Fuhrer Birthday

Death: It was Hitler’s birthday and Germany was winning the war. It was time to celebrate. All the people of the village walked to the city center at dusk to celebrate the Fuhrer birthday with a bonfire.

Life: People have been taken through horrors of war and celebrate something they didn't believe in.

Amara: Como on, Liesel, we need to go to the bonfire.

Papa Rudy: Its beginning.

Mayor: Our nation has been printing leaflets, thanks to our Furer, Our Furer protects  us of the human waste that infects our country> the communists and the Jews.

Next Day

Rosa: Saukerl, you have to go to school, and remember that when you get back you have to help me with the laundry
Liesel: Yes, Mom.

Death: Liesel and Anette go to school. On their way to school, Liesel realizes that Anette is different from other girls. She gets distracted very easily during classes but always gets 10 on the exams. Liesel doesn’t care about that. She is her friend.

Life: We have to learn accept people that has different skills, and try to be tolerant, patient and loving.

On that week something spectacular happens in Huberman's house. Max Vanderburg arrives. Hans opens the door.

Hans: What happened?

Max: The police hit  me and I feel very bad

Then he faints. Hans screams.

Hans: Liesel, Rosa! Please help me!

They take Max to the bed and they take care of him.

Amara and Anette arrive next day to Huberman´S house.

Amara: What can I do? How can I help?

Liesel: You can give him to eat this soup.

Anette: What  else can I do?

Liesel: You can read to him.

Anette: Where do I get the book?

Liesel: I lend you one. I got  it from the bonfire.

Some days later. Max is much better.

Max: What can I do for you in return?

Liesel: Please teach me how to read.

Soldier: Toc, toc. Open the door.

Papa opens the door.

Papa. Yes what do you want.

Soldier: Have you seen a jewish boy?

Papa: No, no we haven't.

Soldier: Are you sure?

Papa: Yes, we haven´t seen anyone.

Life: As you can see, friendship overcomes all the obstacles and it doesn't care about race, religion or color.

“You too, you too.” (Piel Canela)


Death: One day everybody was sleeping when they heard the sirens but it was to late.The bombs fell one after another. Liesel survived because she went down to the basement to write her story.

Liesel: Oh, my God, what is this? What has happened?

Death: Liesel then realizes that she is all alone again. Almost evrybody died in that bombing. Max also survived but he was taken to a concentrations camp.

Life: Years later they meet again in New York. Liesel has become a famous writer. She has taken Annette. She is her assistant.
Amara: It's so wonderful to see you again.

Liesel: Yes, yes I'm so glad to see you. How are you Max''?

Max. I am fine. I was in a concentration camp for three years but I survived.

Anette: I'm fine. I went to college and I have a degree in English.  And I work for Lisa.

Amara: Let's go have some dinner and go to the theater.

Life  Even though war was a terrible experience, these four children became adults and enjoyed  a fulfilling life.


Mambo #5

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Poseidon by Pablo

God of the sea and rivers, creator of storms and floods, and the bringer of earthquakes and destruction, Poseidón was the most disruptive of all the ancient Greek gods.

Son of Kronos and Rhea, and brother of Zeus and Hades, Poseidon was a key figure in the battles for control of the universe between the Titans, the Giants, and the Olympians. On their victory, the three brothers drew lots to decide which domain they would reign over and Poseidon gained the seas. The god dwelled in magnificent golden mansions beneath the sea, beautifully adorned with coral and sea flowers. Seemingly not content with this alone, Poseidon often interfered in the plans of Zeus, and once even attempted to overthrow his brother with the aid of Hera and Athena. It was as punishment for this treachery that Poseidon was made to build the magnificent walls of Troy.

Ares the god of war

Ares is the god of war.
He is one of the twelve 
Olympians, and the son of Zeus
And Hera. In the Greek literature, 
He often represents the physical 
or violent and untamed aspect
of war.



Apolo was the son of Zeus and Leto ,twin brother of Arthemis.He was the god of music, and he is often drawn playing a golden lyre. He was also known as the Archer, far shooting with a silver bow; the god of healing, giving the science of medicine to man; the god of light; and the god of truth. One of Apolo is most important daily tasks was to harness his four-horse chariot, in order to move the Sun across the sky.
Por diego

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Líesel would be an important writer and the others will die with the bomb


Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Final the book thief 

The last night liesel and Annette where walking on the street and they saw a soldier drunk and he sed
-what are you doing you- the soldier see angry
- nothing we are just talking- liesel sed 
-you can't stay here at this hours you must be in your houses- the soldiers says 
-oh ok-liesel says 
-But why?- liesel continues speaking 
The soldiers says –because I said it- 
He trod the alcohol glass in the part where liesel and Annette where walking, and he throws his lighter in to Annette’s shoos and with the mental problem that she had she wasn't able to run and safe her  life so she burned of his legs and her arms but liesel towed to Annette a glass of water and Annette safes his life.
After that she was really tankful with liesel and they lived a weary beautiful.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Actividades para el lunes 9 de mayo de 2016

Actividades para el lunes 9 de mayo de 2016.
Campo Formativo: Lenguaje y comunicación.
Aspecto: Lectura y escritura.
Competencia: Emplear el lenguaje para comunicarse y como instrumento para aprender.
Aprendizajes esperados: Interpreta el lenguaje figurado al leer poemas.
Tema: Poesía y poema.
Propósito: Con esta actividad podrás escribir poemas para compartir.
Daily routine
·         Los estudiantes llegarán y colocarán sus mochilas en el lugar apartado para este tipo, posteriormente colocarán su lonchera en otra de las áreas designadas.
·         Solicitaré a cada uno ayude a acomodar un área del salón y sus libros.
·         Realizaremos gimnasia cerebral: “El bostezo”
En hojas de block, enlistaremos del uno al diez para realizar 5 operaciones matemáticas a través del cálculo mental y 5 palabras del vocabulario.
11.  En tu cuaderno de Español anota fecha y como título “Poesía y poemas”, lee en voz alta el siguiente poema que será proyectado.

Preso de amores

Tres cosas me tienen preso
de amores el corazón:
la bella Inés, y jamón
y berenjenas con queso.
Una Inés, amantes, es
quien tuvo en mí tal poder
que me hizo aborrecer
todo lo que no era Inés.
Trájome un año sin seso,
hasta que en una ocasión
me dio a merendar jamón
y berenjenas con queso.
Fue de Inés la primer palma;
pero ya juzgarse ha mal
entre todos ellos cuál
tiene más parte en mi alma.
En gusto, medida y peso
no les hallo distinción:
ya quiero Inés, ya jamón,
ya berenjenas con queso.
Alega Inés su beldad;
el jamón, que es de Aracena;
el queso y la berenjena,
su andaluza antigüedad.
Y está tan en fil el peso
que, juzgado sin pasión,
todo es uno: Inés, jamón
y berenjenas con queso.
Servirá este nuevo trato
destos mis nuevos amores
para que Inés sus favores
nos los venda más barato,
pues tendrá por contrapeso,
si no hiciere razón,
una lonja de jamón
y berenjenas con queso.

Baltazar de Alcázar de Español (1530-1606)

22.    Realiza una síntesis de 5 renglones colocando como subtema “”Preso de amores” tomando en cuenta que sentimientos te evoca el poema. Asimismo realiza una ilustración de los sentimientos que provoca este poema.
33.    En tu diccionario busca las siguientes definiciones de las palabras PROSA, VERSO, POEMA Y POESÍA. Escríbelas en tu cuaderno. No olvides escribir las diferencias entre cada concepto: VERSO Y PROSA, POEMA Y POESÍA.
44.    Escribe el mismo poema dividido en versos y subrayando la rima.
55.    Responde en tu cuaderno las siguientes preguntas
a)    ¿Cómo son para el poeta Inés, el jamón y las berenjenas con queso?
b)    ¿Cuál es la principal característica del poema si se lee en voz alta?
c)    ¿Qué distingue al poema en cuanto a la forma en que está escrito?
66.    Haciendo uso de los conceptos trabajados en clase escribe un poema, tienes 2 opciones como temática: “El amor” y “Día de las madres” No olvides ilustrar.
·         Ganarás 10 puntos si completas todas estas actividades hasta el punto 6.
·         Ganarás 9 puntos si realizas todas estas actividades hasta el punto 5.
·         Ganarás 8 puntos si realizas todas estas actividades hasta el punto 4.
·         Ganarás 7 puntos si realizas todas estas actividades hasta el punto 3.
·         Ganarás 6 puntos si realizas todas estas actividades hasta el punto 2

·         Ganarás 5 puntos si realizas todas estas actividades hasta el punto 1.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The book thief

Dead [misterous voice]: This story of that sirvivors, a thin girl, that knows, really knows what to be abandoned means.
The first time I saw Liesel was in a bling white snow, the footsteps near the road of the train were drawn until the high of the knee... the trees were covered by a tablecloth of snow... like you can imagine someone died.

Fraw Heinrich [easy]: Liesel, we almost arrive with our new family.

Dead [misterous voice]: Liesel was thinking about her brother. They were in their way to Himmelstrasse when her mother and Liesel discovered Werner was dead.

Fraw Heinruch [easy]: Liesel I will introduce to your new family.

Liesel raised her eyelid and she saw a couple: A thin man with dark circles under his eyes and a fat woman that walked like a duck.

Rosa Huberman [desesperated]: What don't you hear, Saumensh?!

Hans Huberman [peacefull]: Come on Liesel, do you want to see the house?

Liesel smiles and get out of the car. Hans guide her toward the house, when he open the door of the house a hard smell of wood, dust and tobacco fit in the room.
Liesel passed the next day's very afraid, one day, when she was on her way home, she saw a girl looking to the clouds.

Liesel [curious]: What she is doing mom?

Rosa [desasperated]: I don't know she's kind of crazy.

At the next day

Rosa [exasperated]: Sawnsmench wake up, you need to go to school.

Liesel: Yes mom

Hans [happy]: Good morning your majesty

Liesel smiles and start to eat.

-Toc, toc, toc.

Anette , Rudy and Amara [happy]: Hi we going to take Liesel to school.

(Liesel and Anette go to school and they come back talking)

Frank [mockingly]: Hi saukler  , I hear that you cant read , and you mother was a kommunist ,that is true ?

Amara : Come on Liesel  , you need to go with your mama or she can be angry .

Rosa [desasperated]: Saukler! Finally you arrived!

Liesel [scared]: Sorry mama.

(Anette parts of, and something sounds like someone is shouting with happiness)

A few minutes later

Papa Rudy [serious]: Go in side the house , is later an we need to dinner .

Rudy [happy]: Papa I want to be Jesse Owens !!!

Papa Rudy [serious]: Why you want to be Jesse Owens ? You are perfect .

Rudy[happy]: Because is the person more faster in the world !!!

Papa Rudy : Later we talk about Jesse Owens , now we need to dinner .

Frank [happy]: War! War! Inglan prodaime war!

Liesel [curious]: Why are they very happy (in her mind)
(The night arrives, they dinner and went to bed.

Liesel: Good night papa.

Hans: Good night, wait, what is that?

Liesel: Is a book.

Hans: And it's yours?

Liesel: It wasn't mine, but now yes.

Hans: Do you know how to read?

Liesel: No

Hans: And would you like to read it with me?

Liesel [excited]: Yes please!

Hans: The great graveyard book...

(They kept reading all the night)

Hans: Perfect! You already know how to read!


Dead: It was Hitler's birthday, at the same time Germany was winning the war , it was time to celebrate all the people of the village at dusk approached the city center to celebrate the Fuhrer with a bonfire .

Amara [happy]:Come on Liesel we need to go to the bonfire to celebrate of the FÜRER .

Papa Rudy: is starting .

Mayor: Our nation had been imprinting , thanks our Führer Adolf Hitler , our Führer protect us of the human waste that infect our country to get easy money , this human waste , THE COMMUNIST, THE JUDEN!!!


Rosa: Saukerl, you have to go to school, and remember that when you get back you have to help me with the laundry.

Liesel: Yes mom.

Dead: Liesel and Anette go to school.
On their way to school, Liesel realize that Anette was different from the other girls, she distracts very easily, in the classes she don't put attention but she gets 10 every time in the exams, Liesel don't care about it, she is her BFF.

On that week something spectacular happened in the Huberman's house with the arrive of Max Vanderburg.

- Toc, Toc, Toc.

(In the midnight)

(Hans, Rosa and Liesel get up)

(Hans one he door and he sees a thin and he sees a thin, sick and fragil man)

Max: Do you still play the accordion?

(And the man fell to the floor, Rosa and Hans hurry to raise him and take him upstair, they put him in a bed next to Liesel bed)

Liesel: watch is happening?

Rosa [desesperate] nothing bad

Dead: Rosa and Hans help max to go up stairs and to go to his bed.

The next day Max woke up and ate the vegetables soup of Rosa, but in the next 2 seconds he throw up the soup
 (Death laugh)

Death: Rosa took the decision to mice max to the basement to avoid problems with Nazis.

Liesel: Hi max how do you feel with this change?

Max: It's ok for me but one describe me the day please !!

Liesel [smiles]: It's like the clouds where crying!!

Liesel: Yes!! mI have  idea I can bring you one form outside!!

Death: Liesel go faster to street and with buckets she brought snow in to the abasement to max and they had a very beautiful day.

The next day

Rosa: Get up Saurlek yo have to help me today with the laundry !!!

Liesel: Yes mom

Liesel go to make the laundry , and she want to make easy the walk and she jump the grid to make less time.

Lerman: Stop , you are in arrest , we see many times and we know what thing you are hide, you and got family will be mourn !!!

Liesel[scare]: They discovered max!!! ( in her mind )

Healer[hurried]: WAIT soldier Lerman , the girld had permission to get in the resident , and this basket she use to get the laundry.

Lerman[angry]: How you dare to contradict me !!!

Healer open the basket

Hesler: See , she don't have anything that laundry , I call the soldier Shenider to com .

Shenider : Yes soldier Hesler what thing you want me .

Hesler : You going to escort the girl to her house and check her house , only for make sure if she don't have stolen things.

Shenider: Yes soldier .

A few minutes later

Shenider: Don't worry I don't have to check your house , if you stolen a thing no mater for me you are a person with out many luxuries than they.

Liesel[happy]:Thanks soldier .

To be continued...

Equipo: Pablo, Támara, Gustavo , Vanessa, Jun , Chelsea, y Edmann .

Wednesday, May 4, 2016



Liesel Chelsea 
Death pipo 
Papa Omar
Mama Dara 
Annette Vanessa 
Rudy Diego 
Mayor Edmann
Liesels friend Tamara
Max Pablo 
Papa rudy Gustavo 
Frank Christian 
Lerman Ian 
Shneider Andres 
Hesler Jun 

The book thief

Dead [misterous voice]: This story of that sirvivors, a thin girl, that knows, really knows what to be abandoned means.
The first time I saw Liesel was in a bling white snow, the footsteps near the road of the train were drawn until the high of the knee... the trees were covered by a tablecloth of snow... like you can imagine someone died.

Fraw Heinrich [easy]: Liesel, we almost arrive with our new family.

Dead [misterous voice]: Liesel was thinking about her brother. They were in their way to Himmelstrasse when her mother and Liesel discovered Werner was dead. 

Fraw Heinruch [easy]: Liesel I will introduce to your new family.

Liesel raised her eyelid and she saw a couple: A thin man with dark circles under his eyes and a fat woman that walked like a duck.

Rosa Huberman [desesperated]: What don't you hear, Saumensh?!

Hans Huberman [peacefull]: Come on Liesel, do you want to see the house?

Liesel smiles and get out of the car. Hans guide her toward the house, when he open the door of the house a hard smell of wood, dust and tobacco fit in the room.
Liesel passed the next day's very afraid, one day, when she was on her way home, she saw a girl looking to the clouds.

Liesel [curious]: What she is doing mom?

Rosa [desasperated]: I don't know she's kind of crazy.

At the next day

Rosa [exasperated]: Sawnsmench wake up, you need to go to school.

Liesel: Yes mom 

Hans [happy]: Good morning your majesty 

Liesel smiles and start to eat.

-Toc, toc, toc.

Anette [happy]: Hi I'm going to take Liesel to school. 

(Liesel and Anette go to school and they come back talking) 

Rosa [desasperated]: Saukler! Finally you arrived!

Liesel [scared]: Sorry mama.

(Anette parts of, and something sounds like someone is shouting with happiness)

Kid [happy]: War! War! Inglan prodaime war!

Liesel [curious]: Why are they very happy (in her mind) 
(The night arrives, they dinner and went to bed. 

Liesel: Good night papa.

Hans: Good night, wait, what is that?

Liesel: Is a book.

Hans: And it's yours?

Liesel: It wasn't mine, but now yes.

Hans: Do you know how to read?

Liesel: No 

Hans: And would you like to read it with me?

Liesel [excited]: Yes please! 

Hans: The great graveyard book...

(They kept reading all the night) 

Hans: Perfect! You already know how to read! 

Rosa: Saukerl, you have to go to school, and remember that when you get back you have to help me with the laundry.

Liesel: Yes mom.

Dead: Liesel and Anette go to school. 
On their way to school, Liesel realize that Anette was different from the other girls, she distracts very easily, in the classes she don't put attention but she gets 10 every time in the exams, Liesel don't care about it, she is her BFF.

On that week something spectacular happened in the Huberman's house with the arrive of Max Vanderburg.

- Toc, Toc, Toc.

(In the midnight) 

(Hans, Rosa and Liesel get up) 

(Hans one he door and he sees a thin and he sees a thin, sick and fragil man)

Max: Do you still play the accordion? 

(And the man fell to the floor, Rosa and Hans hurry to raise him and take him upstair, they put him in a bed next to Liesel bed)

Liesel: watch is happening? 

Rosa [desesperate] nothing bad

Dead: Rosa and Hans help max to go up stairs and to go to his bed. 

The next day Max woke up and ate the vegetables soup of Rosa, but in the next 2 seconds he throw up the soup
 (Death laugh)

Death: Rosa took the decision to mice max to the basement to avoid problems with Nazis.

Liesel: Hi max how do you feel with this change? 

Max: It's ok for me but one describe me the day please !!

Liesel [smiles]: It's like the clouds where crying!! 

Liesel: Yes!! mI have  idea I can bring you one form outside!!

Death: Liesel go faster to street and with buckets she brought snow in to the abasement to max.

To be continue...

Tamara, Chelsea, Vanessa, Edmann, Jun, Pablo and Gustavo

La ladrona de libros

 Había una vez una niña llamada Liesel que la iba a adoptar una familia porque Liesel estaba escapando de una guerra porque era una comunista. Vivió con una familia conformada por su Mamá adoptiva Rosa Hubermann que era una mujer enojona y burlona y su Papá adoptivo llamado Hans Hubermann que era una persona feliz, divertido y amable.
Cuando llego Liesel, Rosa Hubermann le dijo la señora que le trajo de que pensaba de los comunistas Liesel se puso triste cuando escucho eso y Hans empezó a tocar una canción ( You too) cuando escucho la canción se alivió un poco. Cuando entró a la casa Liesel vio que en esa casa no había muchos recursos económicos de su nueva familia.
Liesel en la noche su papá fue a su cuarto vio a Liesel viendo un libro pero Liesel no sabía ni leer ni escribir y Hans ayudo a leer a Liesel. (El libro fue robado de un sepulturero, lo había y el libro se llamaba el libro del sepulturero)
Llego el cumpleaños de Liesel y su Papá le regalo 2 libros y le hizo un diccionario en el sótano y una fiesta empieza (a litlle party never kill nobody).
Después de soplar las velas empeza un bombardeo. Al días siguiente después de un bombardeo, fue a la escuela por primera vez y encontró a nuevas personas como su maestra, Rudy Steiner su mejor amigo y esta obsesionado por Jesse Owens y el enemigo de Liesel: Tommy Muller.
Cuando empezó su clase que se dio cuenta que la maestra que no sabía leer ni escribir hace que todos los compañeros de burlarán de ella y llego el turno de Muller y lo empezó. A golpear hasta que Rudy los separo. Rudy se fue con Liesel de regreso con ella y Rudy le hizo una apuesta si ganaba Rudy le ayudaba a leer y a escribir y si perdía no le ayudaba y Rudy gano. 
Cuando Liesel llego a su casa vio a una persona llamada Max y se dio cuenta que era judío y Liesel llevo una buena amistad con el.
Un día Liesel la mandaron a lavar la ropa del alcalde. Cada vez que iba la dejaban leer libros y luego los agarraba "prestado“.
Pasó muchos tiempos con Rudy, Max se fue de su casa, Rosa y Hans eran felices y hubo un bombardeo que no avisaron que venía.
Murieron todos excepto Liesel, se quedo triste y vino al alcade y le dio trabajo. 2 años después Max regresa y la Segunda Guerra Mundial termina y Liesel toca una canción (tocan mambo no5)

Por Omar