Wednesday, September 3, 2014


My name is David Elías Camargo Popham and I'm going to be the English teacher for seventh grade at Jules Verne School. I have been working as an English Teacher for the last eight years. Every year its a new challenge but my commitment its al ways the same, to help and guide my students. Always answering to their doubts and questions , and also monitoring their works.

 Education has changed a lot during the last couple of years. Our students have to become more competent, capable and analitics to acquire the necessary tools to face themselves in all the areas. 

It is important that the seventh grade students leave the school dominating the four language skills: "listening", "writing", "speaking" and "reading",  also by the Cambridge University Certification by the end of the school year.

During this school year, the students of seventh grade will have the possibility of communicating with other students from all around the world, with the use of technologies.

Jules Verne School focuses on the development of abilities, attitudes and knowledges ( competencies) , based on the contents of programs such as Sistema UNO, SEP, CAMBRIDGE, and Canadian schools incorporated to our Jules Verne School Program.

Its necessary not only to cover the academic contents from the text books, but also develop classes where you use more advanced levels of learning. To use all the capabilities from the student.

The English, Spanish and Pre-School will work on a complementary and continous form.

I will do my best to motivate, help and understand my students, so they become capable of reaching their goals. All my students have all my support and attention. 

Thank you.

Blog 6o Español
Tengo la gran satisfacción de trabajar con sus hijos, soy Rebeca Calderón Perea, egresada de la Normal Superior del Estado de Chihuahua, he trabajado como maestra titular en la materia de Matemáticas en Chihuahua, Chih., así como maestra en Nivel Primaria en Pachuca, Hidalgo. En este ciclo escolar estaremos trabajando con las habilidades y conocimientos que les ayuden y preparen para ir muy bien preparados a Secundaria.

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